Daily collateral aspects ask too much of your time? Focus on your core activity, give us the extra hustle!
HR Outsourcing District – if you want to outsource the entire HR function to experts, for better use of your internal resources, our Consultants will offer you the best assistance! We know the labour market, we speak the language of your employees and we have a great sense for talent. Finding the right people to match your company needs is what we are renowned for.
Business Outsourcing District – if you need to outsource a business line like agriculture, production, sales or finance, we will be glad to help, starting with standardized market data. No matter what industry your company is a part of, we can manage all activities, core or secondary, having in mind your objectives for the business.
Purchase District – here you have the best prices for your office needs: consumables, furniture and equipment, archive services, furniture procurement, IT and communication infrastructure, by negotiating, contracting, bill collection and payment, identifying and securing for you the best offers on the market.
We do relevant market research and evaluation of potential suppliers, organize tenders focused on obtaining the best and the most competitive prices and negotiate possibilities or reducing payment terms for goods and services.
Property Outsource District – here you will receive property management services for your offices, branches or work points, regulatory assistance services for obtaining building permits or any other facility management or administrative service you want to externalize to Lugera’s specialists, so you can freely focus on your core activity.
On Property and Facility Management Avenue we will use all our expertise from large projects for:
• Tenants, lease and contracts management, guarantees with the constructor, prepare delivery protocols, monthly reports on the property status from all the aspects;
• Third parties relationship management: authorities, financial institutions, utility providers;
• Financial services: invoicing, payments of the suppliers, indexations & guarantees, insurances, service charge reconciliation, accountancy services;
• Implement major repairs or reinforcements;
• Create and implement „Building Rules”;
• Analyze and optimize work-points network costs by transferring provider contracts;
• Regulatory assistance services for drafting and filing of applications for building permits;
• Cleaning Services: regular or periodic general cleaning of the property, of the parking areas, of the technical areas, facade cleaning, pest & rodent control, snow removal.
• Management & Administrative Services: manage all the services for running of the property, day-to-day relationship with the tenant(s), continuously optimize all the services in terms of cost vs. quality, cost allocation for the utilities consumption, energy management optimization process. Also we will provide monthly reports on the general status of the property and incident reports.
You can ask for more details on outsourcing services from Lugera’s consultants at office@lugera.ro